🐾 Each dog must first have an appointment for the first “trial” date for the staff of the day care center to get to know each other. It is important to know that the dog will feel good and comfortable around new two-legged and four-legged friends.
🐾 Puppies from 4 months can bark and communicate in the “Geri namai” center.
🐾 All four-legged guests must have valid vaccinations against rabies and viral diseases. We also recommend a kennel cough vaccine;
🐾 Although it’s always more fun with a large company, dogs are accepted unaccompanied – fleas and ticks are not welcome, so be sure to take preventive measures against them;
🐾 We know that our customers are responsible and all dogs at the center will have a subcutaneous microchip;
🐾 We invite cheerful and friendly dogs to the “Geri namai” center. For little ones, we recommend individual training with a trainer first!
🐾 In order to avoid unpleasant little surprises – bitches in heat are accepted only after the end of heat;