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Main / Services / Hydrotherapy and Rehabilitation

Hydrotherapy and Rehabilitation

First visit and evaluation 60Eur

Session with rehabilitation specialist (water and on ground) 45eur

Session in pool with specialist 35eur

Session in pool without specialist 30eur

Session in water treadmill 35eur

Laser therapy 15eur

Massage 40eur

Preparing individual rehabilitation program 35eur

  1. Don’t feed your dog minimum 4 hours before the visit
  2. Walk your dog outside for toilet
  3. Bring water proof slippers and remember that your clothes can get wet from splashing.
  4. Bring warm jacket or sweater for your dog to wear after the water session
  5. Bring your dogs favorite snacks and toys
  6. linksmesniam pasiplaukiojimui.

Hydrotherapy – water procedures for treatment, wellness, disease prevention. Benefits of hydrotherapy:

  • improved range of motion;
  • muscles are strengthened and endurance is increased (the risk of injuries in water is lower compared to physical activity on land);
  • helps rehabilitation after soft tissue injuries, bone fractures;
  • recommended for neurological disorders, arthritis, muscle weakness, dysplasia, obesity;
  • warm water reduces pain, connective tissue becomes more flexible in warm water, as a result of which the amplitude of performed movements increases;
  • water reduces the weight on joints and bones, thus increasing the pet’s endurance and strength without causing additional stress;
  • speed and depth are individually adapted to the physical characteristics of each animal.

Laser therapy is a safe, non-invasive and painless procedure that stimulates the body’s own healing mechanisms. Benefits of laser therapy:

  • It is used for acute and chronic tendon injuries, bursitis, contusions, degenerative joint and disc pathologies, muscle strains, muscle and skeletal injuries, osteoarthritis;
  • for superficial skin lesions, dysplasia of the hip joint, elbow, treatment of surgical wounds, etc.
    Painless, the procedure is easily tolerated by the animal;
  • Rapid reduction of pain and healing of superficial lesions;
  • Improvement of local blood circulation;
  • Rapid restoration of structural integrity of damaged tissue;
  • Enhancement of anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-edema effects.

Fitness – is the physical training of a dog that can help prevent health problems, reduce stress and strengthen dogs. Fitness benefits:

  • helps maintain and/or improve the pet’s body weight and general condition;
  • helps prevent obesity and obesity-related diseases (such as diabetes or heart disease);
  • helps joint activity;
    helps digestion and urinary activity;
  • helps improve behavior problems;
  • helps improve mental and emotional health (e.g. reduces stress).


Physiotherapy specialist

Orinta has completed her veterinary studies at the Vilnius College and worked for five years as a veterinary assistant at the clinic of Dr. Vet. Orinta is currently studying physiotherapy at Vilnius University.